Closet Organization
Really, you can make a small home with lack of storage uncluttered. My vacation week of trying to accomplish this...
Once I finished with the office, then I moved on to the closet in the office and the spare bedroom closet - I am terrible about getting before pictures - I guess I just get so tunneled into completing the task
My jeans and capris and my collection of Barbie's all jumbled up on the top shelf

In the bottom of the closet, that I had already cleaned out before I thought to take a picture, contained a big mess of my sets of Christmas dishes, my summer, spring, and fall shower curtains, clothes that I cannot wear - I love being able to see the floor and have nothing on it but my house is small and I do not have a lot of options for storage - ahh it would be so nice to just have nothing there but....

It does look better than it did and when I open the closet I do not feel the chaos any longer and my jeans and capris are folded neatly - I still have my collection of Barbies - I told my brother that he can have them to give to my niece since I do not have a granddaughter and they are of no use to me stored in an office closet

I then moved on to the spare bedroom - I didn't get a one before picture - SMH what kind of blogger am I? :)
This closet was harder to de-clutter as it contained mostly of Mr. Man's belongings but I got rid of my stuff that was of no longer use and put his boxes back in as neatly as I could - this closet houses my winter/fall work tops

And once again, since you know I have a thing about clear floors.... I can see some of the floor - that really makes me happy

I pulled out all the contents that had been shoved under the bed - more bags of trash - and I am glad my grandson, Jaxen did not look under that bed - there were a ton of stink bugs under there. When I started moving things around, they let me know they were unhappy. If Jaxen would have looked he would have said, "EWWW, Pasher that needs to be cleaned - ukkcy!" HAHAH

I am happy to report that I purged everything under the bed...except for two items. The net that keeps Jaxen from falling off the bed, I am sure he doesn't need it any longer but I just couldn't bear to part with it - I really do not want him to grow up but <sigh> it is inevitable. I also put an electric piano back as well. I haven't played it in year but it was a gift from my late uncle Denny and he was very proud to give it to me. He loved music and I love the piano and I just could not part with it. I loved being able to sweep and run my mop under there, the room feels clean to me.

I also found some of Mr. Man's pictures - I found one of his late mother and took it upon myself to hang it up in the office

I would like to replace this bookshelf with an industrial rustic bookself
this one I like the drawer but would prefer something wider

The cage look on this one is pretty cool too and I could live with the cubes as well

I also like the uniqueness

I really this one but more money than I would like to spend but I love the piping and attaching to the wall

How are your organizational quests going?
Once I finished with the office, then I moved on to the closet in the office and the spare bedroom closet - I am terrible about getting before pictures - I guess I just get so tunneled into completing the task
My jeans and capris and my collection of Barbie's all jumbled up on the top shelf

In the bottom of the closet, that I had already cleaned out before I thought to take a picture, contained a big mess of my sets of Christmas dishes, my summer, spring, and fall shower curtains, clothes that I cannot wear - I love being able to see the floor and have nothing on it but my house is small and I do not have a lot of options for storage - ahh it would be so nice to just have nothing there but....

It does look better than it did and when I open the closet I do not feel the chaos any longer and my jeans and capris are folded neatly - I still have my collection of Barbies - I told my brother that he can have them to give to my niece since I do not have a granddaughter and they are of no use to me stored in an office closet

I then moved on to the spare bedroom - I didn't get a one before picture - SMH what kind of blogger am I? :)
This closet was harder to de-clutter as it contained mostly of Mr. Man's belongings but I got rid of my stuff that was of no longer use and put his boxes back in as neatly as I could - this closet houses my winter/fall work tops

And once again, since you know I have a thing about clear floors.... I can see some of the floor - that really makes me happy

I pulled out all the contents that had been shoved under the bed - more bags of trash - and I am glad my grandson, Jaxen did not look under that bed - there were a ton of stink bugs under there. When I started moving things around, they let me know they were unhappy. If Jaxen would have looked he would have said, "EWWW, Pasher that needs to be cleaned - ukkcy!" HAHAH

I am happy to report that I purged everything under the bed...except for two items. The net that keeps Jaxen from falling off the bed, I am sure he doesn't need it any longer but I just couldn't bear to part with it - I really do not want him to grow up but <sigh> it is inevitable. I also put an electric piano back as well. I haven't played it in year but it was a gift from my late uncle Denny and he was very proud to give it to me. He loved music and I love the piano and I just could not part with it. I loved being able to sweep and run my mop under there, the room feels clean to me.

I also found some of Mr. Man's pictures - I found one of his late mother and took it upon myself to hang it up in the office

I would like to replace this bookshelf with an industrial rustic bookself
this one I like the drawer but would prefer something wider

The cage look on this one is pretty cool too and I could live with the cubes as well

I also like the uniqueness

I really this one but more money than I would like to spend but I love the piping and attaching to the wall

How are your organizational quests going?
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