February Report Card

Wow, it seems you really can lose a month! I cannot believe it has been a whole month since I posted and where did the month go? Soooo, I guess....

Image result for where did the month go image

I have been so busy at work and then come home and work some more. I did manage to get my house changed over to spring. I decided to not hang any curtains back up because the cats are destroying them...but that is another blog.

 I guess it would be fitting to start the new month like I needed January  - with the February report card

My fitness goals are below and I am proud to say that I am keeping up:

Barre at least once a week:
Cycle classes at least once a week - only missed one class  because of a conference call scheduled at the same time as the class
Weight training   - once a week (Sunday is the class and lately the weather has been Greenway worthy so haven't been getting this in - I did find a Tuesday night class but haven't been able to make it due to staying too late at work and my commute has gotten horrendous and find myself sitting on the interstate A LOT lately, which is really frustrating
Running/Walking - at least 3 times a week

Financial Goals
Save at least $1000 for the year   - I have almost $900 (I took half of my income tax and put in savings and proud to say so far so good)
Need new dryer - have one on layaway at Sears - will be paid off next week
Need new washer - Mr Man put one on layaway with a huge down payment with his income tax - should be getting the same time as the dryer - a matching set - a first for me :)
Have car looked at as to why heat only works when car is moving
Mr. Man needs comfortable seating for his room
Need new dresser for the bedroom
Cover deep freeze with wood
Mr. Man's truck needs a new motor -
New windows for the house
Have a wedding to plan for June 2018 - Hope I can pull it off..
Want new shutters for my house - woman makes them $240 to get them

March Financial Goals

Continue paying for Dryer
$1000 in saving
Buy wedding dress - have an appt next Saturday
Start saving for windows - use the money I had been using to pay for the dryer

Read more books - less Facebook.

I have discovered that Facebook is my addiction and I spend way too much time on this instead of doing productive things. (still true) I am going to read the bible this year from beginning to end - I think I am also going to finish Left Behind and finish reading Game of Thrones. I have a whole stack of books that I bought last year and hopefully get to read them in 2018
Maintain this blog - failed in February
Cook or bake more in 2018. - not doing this either

I think I would give February an 80% - I"m doing really well on my fitness goals - making progress on financial goals, still need to work on how I spend my time.

How have you been? How are your goals going so far?

8 lbs lighter - once again I don't see much difference in the pictures

Jan                                                                                                                   February

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