Treadmill Running for Slow Pokes
Really, you can enjoy treadmill running when you cannot get outside. I have read many blogs and Pinterest articles on running on a treadmill.

I must admit that I did not think I was physically fit to do any of them, even "beginner".
I am a slow runner outside, I usually average 13-minute miles and usually walk up steep hills, after I hurt myself charging up a hill thinking my body would do whatever I wanted. You know, mind over matter...well sometimes, the body rebels resulting in an injury. I learned that hills were the culprit when traveling on business and found a treadmill with those cool maps to run anywhere. I chose Italy and right away my shin starting hurting and I was struggling, looked down and I was on an incline and oh, it hurt so badly. This pain has made me shy away from running hills and I have never run an incline on the treadmill, I was happy to run at 5.2 flat (feeling accomplished even).
The injury caused me to have to stop running for a bit and now that I am back to treadmill running find myself unable to run 5.2 for 30 minutes and have been really trying to force the issue on flat - but I find myself watching the clock and feeling frustrated with myself. That is a recipe for de-motivation.
So yesterday, on day one of Stay-cation, I went to the YMCA and did a 45-minute weight training class and then hit the treadmill. I decided to take Mr. Man's advise, instead of running flat, I would choose a course with an incline. I chose rolling hills and I slowed my speed down to 4.6 (13-minute mile which is what I am comfortable). I know that sounds really slow and it's almost embarrassing when I read my favorite bloggers and that would be a brisk walk for them. BUT...

So, I sucked up my pride and did the rolling hills at 4.6 and I felt amazing and accomplished when I finished. The course runs 0 inclines, and then 2 inclines, and then it went to either 7 or 10 (I can't remember) I took the speed down to 4 and did a brisk walk but I played games to run the largest incline for the first bar and then added the last bar. I enjoyed this run and my Samsung Gear said I was at maximum heart rate for 21 minutes - NEVER achieved that. Very similar to these workouts I found on Pinterest - I think I might be able to do this one - I know I can jog at 2% not sure what my sprint would be - my biggest fear is falling on the treadmill....
The only downers were that the last 2 minutes of the 31 minute I programmed, was the cooldown. I wasn't expecting that, as normally, the treadmill does the 30 and then a 5-minute cooldown. I was also a little disappointed it was only 2 miles - I always try to do 3 miles on a run but I will continue to work on my strength and who knows....
In the meantime, I felt good and felt like I did a great job - which will make me do it again...

Are you more speed or a distance runner? What do your treadmill workouts look like?
Really, you can - no matter your fitness what makes you feel challenged and good, the small wins are just as good as the big ones- your only competition is you!
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