Mind Game

Really, you can do whatever you set you mind just like my grandmother said. Let me tell you a lot of times you must trick your mind in order to get things done because sometimes it can be your worst enemy. I discovered this on my journey to become a jogger.

July will make a year that I decided to become a runner jogger and I recently analyzed this on a  jog/walk on the Greenway. The Greenway is my favorite place to be, it's paved, wooded, and the river is beneath. The Greenway was an old railroad so it is a perfect mix of some mean hills and flat lands and it is so beautiful. There are two sides, the easy side is 4 miles total - 2 miles in and then 2 miles back, I'm not as fond of this side because there are parts where are in folks backyards.  Another reason the "easy side" is not favorite is that the easy side is where the families like to enjoy. I am not against families but they seem to be oblivious to others on the trail - walking 5 deep or just standing in the middle. I just sounded like a grumpy old lady, no?

My favorite side is 5 miles total (in and out) and has some really rough hills but it is beautiful and so peaceful. You can't really make out the big hill going into the trees but the very time I went up it, my brain actually suggested to me to go ahead and crawl up it as I will never make it - I was like What?!

This is only one example of the reality that running is actually a mind sport - the  body is not the limitation, it's the mind. I had to trick my mind in order to run some distance, otherwise my mind would convince me that I could not do it. For instance, on the Greenway I start running at the 1.5 mile marker - it's harder for my mind to calculate how much further I have to go and then assess that should stop. It really did work.

My goal is to reach 1000 miles for the year. I joined this app called ilovetorun.org and it's pretty cool. I think I have done a great job of continuing on my path. I have completed 183.3 miles so far this year. I try to get at least 6 miles in a day during the week and 7 miles  in at the Greenway. I do not do them all at once - during the week I walk 3 miles for lunch and run or elliptical 3 miles. On Sunday's after church I like to go the Greenway and do 7 miles, I walk 3.5 and job 3.5 but not all at once.

I walk the first 1.5 miles - run 2 miles (there is .2 walk when I turn around), walk 1 mile, run .5 mile, take a potty break, run 1 mile, and then finish with 1 mile walk. I have a huge sense of accomplishment. I am amazed that I can do this. I am still slow but I'm doing it

I am a huge lover of walking and have not given it up because I love the to enjoy the nature and when I'm running I'm too busy concentrating on my breathing and pushing myself along. I actually count while I am jogging so I can also give my mind something to concentrate on besides calculating how far I have left and how I should stop. Don't get me wrong, I am not in love with running during the process; however, I DO love how I feel when I complete the goal, how I feel afterward.  Did I mention how has really transformed my body?

Here are some before and after

The first one is what motivated me to start running - the second one I had started running, the bottom left was around Christmas, and the bottom right was mid-summer - progress :)

Some things I have learned is that I love moisture wicking, Brooks running shoes, and running socks. I have also learned that I am not competing with the other runners and they are not looking at me. I have found the runners are encouraging to one another - they always smile at me or give me a thumbs up (I am sure I still look awkward and I still puff like a train).

I am entering into the self-sabotage stage - I have been eating too much and have actually gain 3 pounds. I started my journey  at 183 pounds and have been hovering at 160 (currently 163 pounds) BUT I am much healthier and feel pretty good most of the time (been battling tiredness) The scale can be frustrating and it is easy to forget that the scale is not the best tool to gauge your progress

I also seem more interested in distance than I do speed. I have not really increased much:  during my Greenway jog/walk I do 4.1 MPH which is a 15 minute mile on the treadmill I can 10 minute miles. I am most proud that I can jog comfortably 2 miles without stopping on the Greenway and 3 miles when I run in the neighborhood near  where I live (I think the down hills give me a good break)

Of course, it all boils down to self-discipline and either setting your mind to it or tricking your mind so that it cannot talk you out of achieving your goal - I have made it a little farther this time BUT I am going to reach my goal of 130 pounds or a single digit pant - I recognize my triggers and must keep the below in mind

Really, I can do whatever I set mind and so can you! What tricks and strategies do you use to get your mind right to achieve your goals?


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