Gateway To...

Yes it did my life is completely different now
This could not be any truer since I have become a runner, I feel so much better.  I have to be honest that most of the time I do not enjoy the run, during the run, it's the after the run that I love. I feel a sense of accomplishment, de-stressed, and just, well..., just better. My brother made a comment to me not long ago that my skin and hair looked so much better and wondered if it was the running.

Great possibility, I am getting more fresh air but I was an avid walker and graduated to a jogger/runner to help boost my weight loss. Running was the gateway to more physical activity. I read blogs on running and do a lot of research on it. It is way more complicated than one would initially think - which also appeals to my "learning" nature.

I found the below on this blog and it really is true - except realize is misspelled :)

Realize that getting fit is 70% attitude, 30% action

I learned that to become a better runner - I needed to do more than just run -  strength training is highly encouraged in the running world. Strength training helps with reducing injuries, keeps you motivated by mixing things up, and helps with balance by working other muscles to help the running muscles.  I admit that when I read all of these things, I kind of  "doesn't apply to me shrug" until I kept getting silly little injuries. One little injury forced to find something else - I discovered cycle class. I really enjoy the cycle class, I then found a Barre class - love this one too, and most recently Body Pump - learning to love this one, this is one I love afterward. I am a true cardio girl and never really cared for weights.

In my research, I found that weight training is a must for women especially as we age for our bones.

Never let others needs and wants overshadow your own needs and wants, Love is compromise, and most importantly you need to love yourself and put your foot down when others disrespect that. PraiseWorks Health and Wellness - Mind, Body, Spirit Wellness

Fitness Magazine posted this article listing 9 reasons why women should strength train:

  • Blast more fat
  • Burn more calories
  • Be stronger mentally
  • Boost flexibility
  • Strengthen bones
  • Drop a size
  • East joint pain
  • Be a better runner - WOW
  • Have a healthier heart

The more I run. The more I love my body...

Really, you can start small and gateway to bigger and better. Small steps make you stronger and stronger. What was your gateway to fitness?


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