Financial Fail

Really, you can stay on track and when you stray just move back on. One of my goals was to save money and I have had an epic fail lately - income tax money was to be for a heating/cooling unit and I really did not want to spend any money - I wanted to become a hoarder of my money - I told Mr Man we were not gonna eat out like we do and I wasn't going to shop but save, save, save....

Well, my actions lately with the  unnecessary/could have waited spends so far:

1) LulaRoe clothes - my sister-in-law's daughter had a sale and well I was curious about what the big deal was and I think another part of me wanted to make them like me - sooooo - that was $150 too much spend - I should have just gotten one outfit but nope - I had to buy 3 leggings ($25 a piece) and 3 t-shirts ($35 a piece)

The one below the pants are a size smaller than I usually wear but I was pleased I could get them on without an issue - but they are not for public viewing but yall are family :)

I felt both cute and thin in in this outfit - I also got my hair colored and cut and I went with bangs -

2) My old TV was a Samsung and the pixals were going out so my screen looked like Star Wars - so we bought a new one - This purchase is most appreciated though - I can't believe what a difference and I wonder if viewing the TV like that might not also be the reason my eyesight has been waning - .this is the old one - kinda big and bulky but I bought it from a guy at work with two nice couches for $600 - and I have had it a few years so as far as I am concerned it was a great deal

The one is also a Samsung it's 58" and older technology for $499 but it is a smart tv and my antennae even picks up beautifully ( as seen below) - I am still using the firestick for the Directv Now, Starz, Amazon Prime, and HBO Now. I don't think Mr. Man has embraced our new viewing options - he was a huge DVR user but it just does not justify the cost.

Mr. Man's TV blew up in the man closet, so we also bought him a Sony 48" Smart TV with the better technology for $379 - we are still waiting on his income tax and the guy to call us back for the cost of the heating/air unit

3) I also had stated that we would not eat out like we did when he had his last job - been out  3 times so I must get better at this

4) We went to Lowes and I had it in my head to get some new hardware for our kitchen cabinets and/or a new faucet for the kitchen and bathroom - I thought I had found a cool deal that was a pack of 10 bars and I thought it meant $6.53 for the box but it was a contractor box and we found out that it was just a price breakdown so - no goodies from Lowes - I was disappointed but I am glad I didn't push the issue once I got home and realized how much of my income is gone - Mr Man says he is going to give me the money back on the TV

5) We also have a concert to go to on Valentines Day - which means more money spent - Mr Man bought the tickets awhile back and I have to get him something and so far everything he has mentioned is pricey -

6) My brother called and invited us to go with his family to Gatlinburg and the cost will be $300 for us - so I also said yes to this - I guess I think money grows on trees - I always have

I know I can do this - I can save money - I can do whatever I set my head to - at least, that is what grandma always said.

Really, I can do this - how do you save money?


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