Project - Office de-clutter

Really, you can both de-clutter the house and enjoy your time off, right?

I finished up my week long Stacey-cation aka the 7 days of Stacey's b-day - turned 46 this year. I didn't get everything on my list completed but got pretty close and pretty happy with results. I worked and played enjoying finding little treasures of forgotten pictures, cards, and etc along the de-clutter journey.

1) Laundry room completed here

2) Office - it took me three days to get it completed but super happy with how it turned out. I found some neat things. I didn't  do a really good job about getting before pictures (some blogger, uh?) but I did get pictures of how it looked during the process (redemption, yes?)

The desk had become the catch all - Mr. Man is the ultimate pack rat but I contributed as well - the mail was usually put here too - trying to make a conscious effort to either throw away or file as the mail comes in - how do you organize your mail and household never ending paper work?

I ended up with a  total of 8 bags for Goodwill and about 10 bags of trash - the file cabinet I purged a LOT

Found all kinds of CD's stashed in the filing cabinet

As I purged the contents, I put the empty file folders in a pile to refile as extras

More of the desk as I worked on the filing cabinet

This is only one of the drawers, but you get the gist - catch all, stuffed, and most likely not needed any longer

Here is the office put back together - it felt so much cleaner in there even though I didn't change the paint color or rearrange the furniture - but I did change the vibe for myself

The bottom drawer - I can now see what is in there...

This isn't really part of the de-clutter but I love this metal map - it belonged to Mr. Man's late mother and it is a map of the town she grew up in Germany - I think it is the coolest thing EVER

These men/tree carvings are also Mr. Man's late mother (did I mention that I am fascinated by the German culture?)  I absolutely love this wall

The desk still has Mr. Man's paperwork but I tried to make them neater - I cannot seem be able to do anything about his collections, but I'm hoping that if I can limit my stuff, his stuff will be more tolerable - I love that chest that I found at Goodwill with my bestie, Kristine, I wish I could find a better place for it - but for now this is it's home. I  think it goes pretty good with the leather desk..

I especially love clear floors...

Nice and neat desk

Some of the treasures I found was an old employee cookbook, an aware I had received in 2005, and some old pictures, my favorite is Christmas 1986, with my mother, brother, and my 6 day old newborn son

Finally finished with the office - next on the list was the office closet, the spare bedroom, the spare bedroom closet, and the hall closet.

I  wrapped up my office work up around 1 in the afternoon because the weather was amazing for y vJanuary in TN and I went to my favorite place - the Greenway - had the best run/jog this day, I felt amazing after (notice I did not say during - running for me is not about the process or during it's all about the after) LOL

jog 3.5 miles and walk 3.5 miles - practically had it to myself - perfect

How are your 2017 goals going as we go towards the end of the first month?


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