Make-over Monday - January Nesting -Spare Bedroom
Tis the time of year that I look around and want to update my house. This year my stay-cation was taken to spend time with my daughter and new grandbaby to help her out after her c-section. The house is currently driving me crazy, after the reno - we seemed to relocate stuff to 3 different "junk" rooms. Mr. Man's hutch is in the office and he hasn't put the china back so we have bins of china, we have bins of knick-knacks from the living room, and tools galore in the Man Closet.
My spare bedroom - you couldn't really get in there and that is where my winter/fall work closet is located so it drove me crazy every time I went in there.
Right now that room has a bed, elliptical, ab coaster, punching bag, Christmas Tree (in box), living room/hutch bins. The closet is also packed full of Mr. Man's things, storage is a big issue in my little house. I wanted to start getting back on the elliptical (back injury has prevented me from running, that is another blog to write). When I tell you the room drove me crazy it really did - clutter really gets on my nerves. So I got in there and took a bunch of stuff off to Goodwill and then relocated everything on the borders of the room along the wall. I am funny - clear floor space makes me happy - I can overlook the rest.
I have decided that I really want to put a Murphy bed because I do not want to give up the bed completely in case we have overnight company or the grandchildren want to spend the night. My oldest grandson hasn't been able to spend the night as he is allergic to cats, and well, I have a few (another blog for another day on why we have 10 cats running wild in my house).
I found this one on Wayfair (currently out of stock) but it offers some extra storage - which is much needed.

This would give plenty of floor space to work out and maybe even put a reading nook in there for me or something else.
Bummer, I discovered the plugin somehow got ripped off the elliptical after all the work pulling and tugging with my back complaining, so I will need to replace that so I can start working out in there again.
I still felt satisfied that the room now looks like a room - still has visible storage and I have no idea when the house will be put back completely as Mr. Man seems totally content for "one day" and not sure how to light a fire under him.
I also need to repaint the room - it's currently a dark gray, I tend to like neutral walls and add color with the comforters and other decorating. Not sure what color I want to paint, especially since I chose Mindful Gray for the living/kitchen area. Turning into the "Gray House".....blues and greens are out as Mr. Man does not like those colors. I wouldn't mind a sage green as I think it feels peaceful and clean.
I am thinking that I may do a white color, Valspar Du Jour might work, this website describes it as,
My spare bedroom - you couldn't really get in there and that is where my winter/fall work closet is located so it drove me crazy every time I went in there.
Right now that room has a bed, elliptical, ab coaster, punching bag, Christmas Tree (in box), living room/hutch bins. The closet is also packed full of Mr. Man's things, storage is a big issue in my little house. I wanted to start getting back on the elliptical (back injury has prevented me from running, that is another blog to write). When I tell you the room drove me crazy it really did - clutter really gets on my nerves. So I got in there and took a bunch of stuff off to Goodwill and then relocated everything on the borders of the room along the wall. I am funny - clear floor space makes me happy - I can overlook the rest.
I have decided that I really want to put a Murphy bed because I do not want to give up the bed completely in case we have overnight company or the grandchildren want to spend the night. My oldest grandson hasn't been able to spend the night as he is allergic to cats, and well, I have a few (another blog for another day on why we have 10 cats running wild in my house).
I found this one on Wayfair (currently out of stock) but it offers some extra storage - which is much needed.

This would give plenty of floor space to work out and maybe even put a reading nook in there for me or something else.
Bummer, I discovered the plugin somehow got ripped off the elliptical after all the work pulling and tugging with my back complaining, so I will need to replace that so I can start working out in there again.
I still felt satisfied that the room now looks like a room - still has visible storage and I have no idea when the house will be put back completely as Mr. Man seems totally content for "one day" and not sure how to light a fire under him.
I also need to repaint the room - it's currently a dark gray, I tend to like neutral walls and add color with the comforters and other decorating. Not sure what color I want to paint, especially since I chose Mindful Gray for the living/kitchen area. Turning into the "Gray House".....blues and greens are out as Mr. Man does not like those colors. I wouldn't mind a sage green as I think it feels peaceful and clean.
I am thinking that I may do a white color, Valspar Du Jour might work, this website describes it as,
My second choice is, Alabaster, Mather (2017) describes it as, "Sherwin-Williams’ Alabaster (SW 7008) was the company’s 2016 Color of the Year. The neutral creates a serene setting in bedrooms or nurseries and can serve as a backdrop for art or colorful furnishings"
You can see it is still a storage room but believe it or not I find it clean, you should have seen before - drove me crazy and now I have some sort of peace. What do you do to declutter? What colors are you using this year on your walls?
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