January Focus Report Card

Okay, so I have been really focused on my goals for 2018 - because, Really, you can achieve whatever you set your mind, right?

My fitness goals are below and I am proud to say that I am keeping up:

  • Barre at least once a week:
  • Cycle classes at least once a week - 
  • Weight training   - once week
  • Running/Walking - at least 3 times a week
The scale says I've lost four pounds - the first pic was the beginning of Jan and the second yesterday  - I can't see a huge difference but I can tell you I feel a difference in how I feel - and that is probably the best benefit


As a matter of fact, I have been so focused that my stay-cation has not been hobbit-like as usual. I have been leaving the house and going to the YMCA taking classes - mainly because on Monday, Mr. Man wanted me to go to the store and pick up some lunch meat so since I had to be out - I took a weight training class and jogged on the treadmill. Tuesday, I managed to not leave the house and did an hour on my elliptical and 40 minutes yoga video. Wednesday the weather forecast indicated I run outside. First, I went to see my daughter's new house - she closed on her first home and it's near the Greenway. She says she is going to start running with me - she is the only one that I don't mind sharing this time with. After seeing her cute new home, I went to the Greenway - now, it was earlier than I normally run by an hour but while the temp was 51 there was January biting wind and I found it downright cold. Even when I warmed up, I never really unzipped my jacket.

Yesterday, I had to take two cats to get neutered by 7:30 am so I took in an early morning Pilates and cycle class. I really wanted to Barre instead of Pilates but I didn't want to go back home and then basically turn around and leave, so I opted to use that early time to check out Pilates. It was okay - I prefer Barre. Today, I will rest as I have a mid-morning hair appointment and I will probably pick up a few things from the grocery. I plan to rest on Saturday but alas do not get to stay home - have to go pay for my dryer that is on layaway at Sears, one of my financial goals.

Financial Goals
  • Save at least $1000 for the year  
  • Need new dryer - have one on layaway at Sears - 
  • Need new washer
  • Have car looked at as to why heat only works when car is moving
  • Mr. Man needs comfortable seating for his room
  • Need new dresser for bedroom
  • Cover deep freeze with wood
  • Mr. Man's truck needs new motor - 
  • New windows for house 
  • Have a wedding to plan for June 2018 - Hope I can pull it off...

So, I am not doing as well on this one. I plan to take $1000 from my income tax and putting that in savings - the trick will be to KEEP it there. So I think I need to break this down into smaller bites.  First I am removing the one about my heat in the car for now - may add it back later

February Financial Goals

  • Continue paying for Dryer
  • $1000 of income tax in savings
  • Buy wedding dress
Another goal that I need to focus a little more is:
Be more productive with my time

  • Read more books - less Facebook. I have discovered that Facebook is my addiction and I spend way too much time on this instead of doing productive things. I am going to read the bible this year from beginning to end - I think I am also going to finish Left Behind and finish reading Game of Thrones. I have a whole stack of books that I bought last year and hopefully get to reading them in 2018
  • Maintain this blog 
  • Cook or bake more in 2018
The only thing I'm doing pretty good is maintaining this blog. Facebook is still getting a lot of my time and I haven't been cooking or baking. Focus.....

Reflecting on the past month - my word would be flexible - seemed everything I planned to do was changed around, which did make it difficult to get my work outs  completed. I tried to roll with in and make it work - flexible.

I would say my report card  for January a C and I know I can do better. How is your year going so far on your word?


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