But....Did I Die?

I have read several blogs where runners absolutely love running in the rain. I recently had an opportunity or should I say I really just got caught out in it and I found the experience.... well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words.....

Excuse the bathroom post -

So this particular Sunday - I had to do my 3 mile walk/3 mile jog in the afternoon - I overslept to make the Greenway and to church and my stomach was a little upset and with my experience lately with the runner trots - I was a little gun shy...I am really, really tired of the runner trots crap (no pun intended). So I'm out 2.5 miles and I hear a little thunder - no big deal - it's starting to get a little cooler with a big wind - I'm thinking this is great

Then the sprinkles...no biggie...a little rain never hurt anyone
a freaking monsoon - with thunder and lightening (that part scared me the most)  and there wasn't anything I could do but suck it up and run through it. It was raining so hard at times that I could not even see - I'm thinking to myself - people really like this?

Once I made it to the end back to my car, I saw I was the only adventurous soul on the Greenway - yes, adventurous, and we will just keep that positive adjective :)

Upon reflecting about it - I was comfortable and I ran farther (I was trying to make up the mile I gave up to get out of the rain) and my running clothes "wicking' was amazing - my clothes did not feel heavy or yucky like "regular clothes" and it only took a day for my Brooks to dry out. I also did feel a little refreshed - or maybe it was relief that I didn't die or get struck by lightening.

The moral of my story is that while you really can run in the rain, I prefer to not to do so. I stand by my sunshine & peace

How do you feel about running in the rain or other weather elements?

I did find this article if you would like to run in the rain. The hat would have been really nice!


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