Project - Office de-clutter
Really, you can both de-clutter the house and enjoy your time off, right? I finished up my week long Stacey-cation aka the 7 days of Stacey's b-day - turned 46 this year. I didn't get everything on my list completed but got pretty close and pretty happy with results. I worked and played enjoying finding little treasures of forgotten pictures, cards, and etc along the de-clutter journey. 1) Laundry room completed here 2) Office - it took me three days to get it completed but super happy with how it turned out. I found some neat things. I didn't do a really good job about getting before pictures (some blogger, uh?) but I did get pictures of how it looked during the process (redemption, yes?) The desk had become the catch all - Mr. Man is the ultimate pack rat but I contributed as well - the mail was usually put here too - trying to make a conscious effort to either throw away or file as the mail comes in - how do you organize your mail and household never ending pa...