
Showing posts from January, 2017

Project - Office de-clutter

Really, you can both de-clutter the house and enjoy your time off, right? I finished up my week long Stacey-cation aka the 7 days of Stacey's b-day - turned 46 this year. I didn't get everything on my list completed but got pretty close and pretty happy with results. I worked and played enjoying finding little treasures of forgotten pictures, cards, and etc along the de-clutter journey. 1) Laundry room completed  here 2) Office - it took me three days to get it completed but super happy with how it turned out. I found some neat things. I didn't  do a really good job about getting before pictures (some blogger, uh?) but I did get pictures of how it looked during the process (redemption, yes?) The desk had become the catch all - Mr. Man is the ultimate pack rat but I contributed as well - the mail was usually put here too - trying to make a conscious effort to either throw away or file as the mail comes in - how do you organize your mail and household never ending pa...

Mid-week Savors or Attitude Savers

Really, you CAN and SHOULD  stop and enjoy the small things in life! I like to think of the positive things to savor which also serves as an attitude saver :) So day two of Stacey-cation was productive and peaceful. I am still working on the office - it has taken MUCH longer than I had planned - in my younger days it would have been knocked out in a day but I also haven't spent the whole day working on it. I have done other things like cook, read the bible, ashamed to admit - lots of Facebook, Pinterest, and Greenway time. I have also savored a few moments and wanted to share with you some things that brought me joy so far the Stacey-cation week: Jaxen went to see his favorite, Paw Patrol, with his mom, aunt Becky and baby David, and Aunt Susie - his smile brings complete joy to my heart. He was so happy and his mom said he did really good. Isn't he precious? Grandkids are THE ultimate joyful experience. The weather was great and got an amazing jog/walk in - and almo...

Cost Saving

My first day off from work has been pretty productive - I have started the office, the filing cabinet was first, and it currently looks like a cyclone hit it - I am hoping to have that post ready tomorrow finished. I was able to file my income taxes so I am closer to my goal of purchasing a new unit which is part of  Financial Goals . I will have to put my money up and wait for Mr Man to get all of his W2's and then file as my refund is not quite enough. I did a mock return on him based on numbers from his last checks and looks like we might even be able to replace one of the TVs. Another part of my goals was to to save money - one of my plans to save money is to reduce monthly expenses - so in a previous post  I had learned about streaming TV. I am trying out streaming with DirectTv Now but am disappointed that the streaming freezes up on the computers but seems to work on our cellphones. We do have a fire stick coming and it will interesting to see how the streaming acts ...

Closet inspiration

The new year and winter time always make me want to nest and do projects to improve my home. So this week I am taking my customary week off from work for the 7 days of my birthday and this is when I usually like to do my "projects". I was especially inspired by  Funky Junk . My laundry is really big and it serves as a laundry room, a closet, the kitty bath/kitchen, and strorage, and ..., and ..., and... well, you get the picture. The fact that I spend a lot of time in there means that I prefer it to be soothing but instead it seems that stuff just keeps showing up in there resulting in clutter, which has been getting on my nerves. I think that kit on her blog would be perfect but I have to make what I have work without spending any extra money. If I had my  way I would have this: But this not what I am working with, so I went through the clothes and believe or not - managed to get rid of two garbage bags full of too big  pants and capris. I then grouped the  ...

Financial Goals - Checking In

Really, you can achieve your  New Years Goals   or so I keep telling myself.  I believe the best way to achieve goals is be accountable and keep the list in priorities. You know I had already forgotten some of the things on my list. This week's blog will be about how I am doing so far and help me stay accountable and give us both support because... Let's see how I am doing with my Financial Goals Save at least $1000 for the year after the next goals Replace air/heating unit - praying the emergency heat holds up until income tax time Mr. Man's truck needs new motor New windows for house Mr. Man lost his job right before Christmas so this has put a little damper in my goal of saving but he took a drug test for a job yesterday and today has an interview with another company so we should be able to get back on track.  The casualty of losing my satellite service for lack of funds made me evaluate other options and I learned from talking to my younger em...

Building Relationships - Checking In

Really, you can achieve your  New Years Goals   or so I keep telling myself.  I believe the best way to achieve goals is be accountable and keep the list in priorities. You know I had already forgotten some of the things on my list. This week's blog will be about how I am doing so far and help me stay accountable and give us both support because... Let's see how I'm doing with Goal #3 3)  Build relationships Still working on the gossiping - the bible is full of scriptures about gossip - Pinterest search on gossip yields a lot results - some of my favorites are below. I tend to run my mouth when I am angry and I am guilty of this more than I really like to admit. This is still a work in progress but I can tell you that when my tongue was things - my brain was asking me if this builds someone up or tears them down. I think that awareness is a good start for this goal.. I still haven't volunteered for Loaves and Fishes but I did make a loaf of bana...